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Saturday 24 January 2015

In the MEANTIME......

Elllooo!!! Everyone, it is your homie, Trident here.

It is been a great day to have a book and a coffee or a tea on your hand to relax, sitting down in the garden or wherever comfortable to read it.

Today, I would like to recommend a comedic comic book "Kuso High Scchool" which is drawn by a Malaysia Artist, Keith. He has done a very great job on the artwork, but that's not the reason I have been reading his comic book for many years.

Ok! Enough with all the nonsense, let's get into the comic world!!

For those who don't know about the meaning of the term "Kuso", the word is invented by the Japanese, means "crap" or "shit". So all together, the title of the book will be "Crappy High School".

But trust me, the book itself become interesting is because it is crappy. First of all, the book set the background as in a high school, but be careful, there's nothing related to the American or English High School. It is all about Malaysia Secondary School.

I know these will be nothing for some of you guys, but for me, it is my precious school time memories. I like how Keith illustrates the behavior of the students in a comic book, such as selfie in the toilet, staring around to look for pretty girls, being an asshole by making teacher angry and the ULTIMATE weakness to all student -------- EXAMINATION almost every week. The story becomes funny when the characters in the comic book tried hard to cheat but ended up worse. Yes, that's what we did back in the school time.

At school,
For boys, don't tell me you didn't stare at your Crush or some pretty ladies.
For girls, don't tell me you didn't selfie whenever you can.

Furthermore, the thing that impressed me is the book represents the Malaysia Cultures, such as some specific words we used in conversation "lah, leh, lu, lor". The latest one is "bojio", I know some of you first saw this word will relate it to French but this is a BIG NO! This word means "didn't invite" and it is from Hokkien(one of our dialect). Did you know the weather settings in the book is always cloudy, rainy or sunny? I hope you can understand Malaysia don't have four seasons, and Malaysians don't live on trees.

The book also represents what's trending in Malaysia, such as the moment of the Gangnam Style song releases, the moment of the iPhone 6 releases, the moment when all the Aunties or Mothers went to shopping malls where have mega-sales. It is talking about our Malaysian's lifestyle, how we react to all of these things. We also have a lot of delicious food and fruits.

Here are some information about Malaysia that you probably miss it:
1.Malaysia is one of the Top 10 Nations with the most public holidays.
2.Malaysia has two cities gained the named of "Top 10 Cities with most selfies" which is Petaling Jaya and George Town, as you can see Malaysians love to take selfies.
3. The King of the fruit ------ Durian and the Queen of the fruit ------ Mangosteen are both originated from Malaysia.

All these things are covered by Keith in the comic book. It is comedic and worth to read, I would say this book is a stress-relief. I would like to share some footage on here since it is copyrighted, I can't do it because it is against the law. I highly recommended this book, and once for all, but I think the book still need to be improved on its story length as longer as possible. After that, more character introduction should also add into the book, because I can barely know the characters' name instead of their background story. Overall is a great comic book.

I was surprised that Keith didn't pursue his career by drawing Japan Animation or American's Style Comic instead of staying in Malaysia and drew a set of comics about Malaysia. Why he take such risky path that matters his future? Because he is a patriotic artist. I not just admired his work and also his spirit. In the end, please give this guy a big clap. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1. http://a1.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/013/Purple/25/1b/6f/mzl.csjsdqgk.320x480-75.jpg
2. http://www.xaviertoby.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Exam-Meme-4.jpg
3. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhznxL30o1iSJwfX4EJ-UfchF9tn4zzP3WxqRe6ZhWM-zt_vxrMLmD16xB5PRaFszYrxWwbyHEPbaN8NI1RsrmfzvUGBsVL4_s3lN6OjCb4vRN5JQq2D14Ds5A3LOxuY6OCE3ZFJAZVECgA/?imgmax=800
4. http://gulfbusiness.com/2012/08/top-10-nations-with-the-most-public-holidays/
5. http://elitedaily.com/news/world/do-you-live-in-the-selfiest-city-the-20-cities-that-take-the-most-selfies-in-the-world/