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Saturday 2 July 2016

Land of Exodus, the peace will come, the fight will go on

Hey guys, it is me, Trident.

Today, I am going to share the things that happened to myself this semester of my university life. This week is Week 6th of my study. I am currently studying Year 2 Semester, which is things goes wild and hot during this semester.

Year 1 is a testing year for me, well it is a year where you got your basics and proceed to the Year 2 with the skill you acquired before. Unfortunately, things doesn't go like what I planned. Year 2 is just like a leap for me, the skills that I acquired before it is definitely not enough for me to survive and perform during Year 2. In other words, I need more what I need now. To improve, I need to study, practice and research more. But time doesn't allow it. The heavy work that crushed upon by the assignments. 

On the other hand, I was elected as Chairperson of UTAR E-sports and Video Game Club. So the responsibilities that lies upon is even bigger and larger than it could ever be. No doubt, I love Games. They are everything to me. I am not complaining and I am even enjoying doing them. But apart from games, I don't like drawing, because I have a worst hands in the world. I just can't do it. This is the only thing that I spent hours everyday just to practice and not master it but to get familiar with it. In the end, it is still fail. I can't draw well, that's the fact. End of story. 

Back to the things as a chairperson of a club. Well, I have been a chairperson before in secondary school, but the amount  of members is nowhere near the club that I am having right now, 180 members. Oh WOW! My club just form this semester and all of the members are fresh-recruit. Oh My God, I am impressed and surprised that people at here do really enjoy or love games. I am so happy to have this result but yet on the other hand, my job is going to be tough because I have never handle this amount of members and they are all active in the club. Oh my gosh, it is like controlling a traffic in a New York. In other words, You CAN'T, you can't fully control the situation. So by far I just do what I can, go with the flow, and adjust from time to time. My target is build a stable basis for my future committee. 

I admitted this current team can't fulfill all my visions in a year. even Sports club takes three years to have their system in stable. For me, it is going to be the same.So I just guide my team to the right path and aid them as much as possible. 

Yes, I know I might looked blur and dumb to some people. But yet a person that calls other people blur are yet to be see the truth behind those people. Never underestimate a person. When I am not good  at this genre, doesn't make me an awful guy in any kind of field. Well, this things is just ain't my thing,  you know?

Anyway, the topic is kinda off track. This semester is going to be fun and tough, the responsibility and the amount of work, all together makes me fueled up. Bring it on! So once again, Gracie! and Adios~

Image Sources:
1. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/pqlpUTMPBO0/maxresdefault.jpg
2. http://www.mmogames.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/eSports-Image.jpg
3. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/31AAgOny2Ro/maxresdefault.jpg

Journey to the land of Exodus

What's up peeps? It is me, Trident here.

Today I am going to bring up a topic of introducing a creative thinking technique that I recommended by one of my lecturer in university.

It is called SCAMPER. I am not gonna go into deep details about this technique. Well, you can look it up online. Before, here it basically what the technique stands for "Substitute", "Combine", "Adapt", "Modify, maximize or modify", "Put to other uses, "Eliminate" and "Reverse or Re-arrange". Anyway, you can get the ideas of how it works by understanding the words. If not, just look it up online.

I am gonna share on my thoughts on this technique. Well, to be frank, this technique seems useless to me. Not saying it is bad, because I already have my own way to develop new ideas, not going to let other things to flood my brain. But if you speaking of a person that just barely steps into creative genre, this might seems a good start for them.

To me, this technique is way too complex but yet it is cool way to branch your ideas out to many possible results. That's a nice thing to know. You can witness your own ideas to have many capabilities in many kind of genres and categories, in other words to make your ideas have higher chance to be accepted and succeed. Well, we can inspect like this. What if you are already out of ideas and facing the wall for nothing, This might seems like a nice technique to make you jump out of the trapped circle. But in the end, it is still not my choice of generating ideas. It is just too time-consuming and inefficient.

My technique is absolutely simple, it is quite similar to the "Combine and "Adapt" part of SCAMPER technique. Just like this, you take anything that happened very long time ago, such as incident, objects or whatever and you take anything that haven't or might happened, which is mostly your imagination. Combine them together and analysis it, you will get a random cool idea. This is how I get my ideas from.

For example, something happened long time ago, like the Medieval Warfare and something that haven't happened, like the futuristic feel Space Age. Combine them together to get an awesome idea. No doubt, it is part of past assignments and I got the highest score in the class with a comment of "Rare ideas that still yet to be discovered. Good Job." But by far, there is only one game that is very close to my theme of ideas, which is Final Fantasy 15. However, they are more focus on Medieval Fantasy, which is magic, alchemist that kind of stuff. While mine is focus more on the presentation of future technology but with a settings of medieval settings and twisted backstory.

Anyway, this is how I generate my ideas. It is very very dumb and simple technique. I love to make things least simple but with most effectiveness, such as my technique. So guys, I am going to end the session here. Once again,  Gracie! and Adios~

Image resources;
1. http://www.biggerplate.com/mapImages/xl/8e32ec10-ff33-4ab3-a734-af4f29dc945f.png
2. http://www.medievalists.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Who-Were-You-In-Medieval-Times.jpg
3. https://newevolutiondesigns.com/images/freebies/futuristic-city-wallpaper-20.jpg

Sunday 26 June 2016

It is going to be a long journey...and tough...

Yo guys~ It is me again, Trident. How's your day? Mine is been fine but it is kinda busy with stuff pending to be done.

It is cool to be filled with "stuff-ish" as long as they are interestin, then I am OK with it.

This week, back to my journey of learning 3D Animation basic skills. Well, it is cool to get touch on some of the real animating stuff and features included in the application. It is really difficult for me to start with because I haven't acquired such knowledge before and I am trying to get over it.

It is really run when you surf through tons of YouTube channels to look for your own proper tutorials. When you follow those tutorials, the results will always be very funny as they are all kind of professionals, but somehow they looks easy. At least I try my best. Derp~

Well this is a short video animation that I have done this week. Please enjoy~ It is my first animation video.

It is kinda terrible, but I will try to make it not to look absolute horrible. I will improve myself from time to time. But I can't promise this will be a quick achievement, due to the overload amount of work that I am having right now. At least I will still try and stand on whatever happen. Once again, Gracie! and Adios~