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Saturday 14 February 2015

Apple or Orange?

Yohoho, everybody your homie is back, Trident!

I am glad on of my assignments has finally progressed to next stage, which this stage is one of hardest part. I wish i could did well in it.

Anyway, today we going to talk about something that exist around us for a long time and it is absolutely important. Take a guess? Well, it is simple ---- Money.

Money, is a sensitive thing that you still can live without it. Well, of course we need food resources to keep us alive instead of money but without money it maybe hard for you to survive now.

I split this into few conditions, I will explain it one by one. First, without money and you have a farm or unlimited food resources, you maybe happy and living in a comfortable stress-less life. But before that, where all the resources come from? Buy it right, it involves money. Well, you can say pick up or find seeds from somewhere else and wait them to grow. You maybe dead during the waiting process. If you said why not fishing and cook it like the cavemen do. Well, you can't be that lucky everytime.

Second, you have a lot of money, then you have nothing left but money. Some people do enjoy living lonely but be honest, according to scientist, most humans are afraid of loneliness. You can't doubt that this is a truth proved by many known scientists. Even Stephen Hawking also agrees with it. Maybe you can hire someone to make you happy. Well, that persons maybe just interested in your money instead of caring you. Could this kind of unreal emotions be extremely awful? For me, absolutely yes. I hate people lie or be pretentious to me.

Last but least, which is the balanced side, this one is extremely difficult to achieve. I would say it is almost perfect, only few of the succeed persons did this. It maybe fantasy to some of you guys but if you don't try it out, how will you know the result?

For now, money is really important, because everything right now is always linked with money including our life, our future, our health and so on. Money is really bothering any of us nowadays. That's why some of them choose to abandon it an live in a merrier life. I, myself also learning how to manage my money happily in a not wasting way. Money could really be helpful if use it wisely. I am really interested how money will affect our life in the near future. Maybe paper money will no longer exist? Maybe "card" era will begin? We shall know it when it comes.

In the end,

Money can be angel,
Money can be devil;
Choose to be wealthy,
Choose to be happy;
When it comes across,
People might get crazy.

So once thanks again, Grazie~ and Adios!

Image Sources:
1.  http://1plify.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Money-Bag.jpg
2. https://visualsonline.cancer.gov/retrieve.cfm?imageid=2397&dpi=300&fileformat=jpg
3. http://www.theiflife.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/happy.jpg
4. http://coolconversationslive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/4-ways-balance-job-search.jpg

Sunday 8 February 2015

#Get Rekt

Rrrr, Herro Every Bootie. This your captain, Trident here.

What's up PitchForkers? Today, now, we are going to have another sharing session right here. We are about to discuss some thing's really special and meaningful to all of us. Have a guess first? Love? Family? Life? No, it is NEW YEAR!!

Yes, New Year, I am pretty sure everyone have been through this unique and fantastic festival, unless you are a new born baby. Well, baby shouldn't know how to use a PC, PLOT TWIST! OK, New Year symbolises a new start of life, a chance to change, a promise to be made and so other things. Eventually, it is a day to make something new and awesome throughout the year.

I mentioned about making things new just now. Do you guys have plans? I actually have my own plan that set to make my year 2015 becomes more meaningful. My plan is very simple: Make as much as friends as possible. This maybe seems like a difficult task to achieve but I will try best. Why I am making this kind of task? I, as an first year university student, am trying to learn how to adapt in this society. My seniors said university life will be a totally different experience compare to secondary school life. I do agree with this because I had my own crazy and energetic orientation week in my whole life, unlike the secondary school one which only held in one day.

I was also impressed by the PMP(Peer Mentoring Program). I admired that they put much effort to plan all these programmes, such as the games which is the hyped part, the drama which is the main core of this orientation, and the talks which give us tips in helping to start our university life. My mentors are very friendly and caring, they helped me a lot especially when I have a lot of problems on my first week like submitting the form, registering the club, finding the right timetable and notes for the class, and so on. I love how they lead us to make my life easier. Thanks, all my lovely mentors!

This orientation is very important to me, because this is a big chance to start my 2015 plan. Well, I had to say I made a real good start there. I met a lot of people and made a lot of friends. I am glad few of them are becoming really close to me right now. I am happy that I am not alone because some of my seniors said you maybe alone sometimes in university, which this is very normal, but I ain't having that problem until now. I wish I could remain this situation as long as possible, maybe through the end of my life would be my choice.

Back to our topic, New Year. There are actually a lot of different kinds of New Year out there. Well, I am not just talking about the way to celebrate. I am also talking about the date, the religion, the location and so on. By judging the name and the way I elaborated my opinions, obviously I am an Asian. I am actually a Chinese and I do celebrate Christmas and New Year. As long as I have holidays to relax, why not? Then, I celebrate Chinese New Year. Before we get into deeper, I will give you a short brief about how Chinese New Year got its allusion. The word, "Year" is actually a monster, as in Chinese word, we called it "Nian". It appears to eat people to survive once at the beginning of a year. Then, that's how the firecrackers were invented, to kill the monster! At last, the monster was successfully scared away by the people. Since then the monster scared of red things because the firecrackers were made in red. That's why we put a lot of red decorations during Chinese New Year and another meaning of "Luck".

Nian the monster
Speaking of New Year, Indians have a similar New Year, which is Deepavali, they light up the oil lamp to scare off or kill the evil monsters that used to eat and kill people. For me, this monster actually represents the bad things we had in last year. We tried hard to clean it away from us and have a nice start. For Japanese and Korean did the similar things on their New Year too, to keep away all the bad things, give yourself a chance to improve yourself. As for Malays, they forgive those who did wrong things to them. This is to make your life merrier and not just give yourself a relief and also give other person a chance to prove themselves are still trustworthy. That's the way I found New Year is actually a meaningful and interesting festival.

Oil Lamps on Deepavali
Other than that, since New Year has different kinds of its version, which means I can learn how other people have their New Year. Further speaking of this, which means I can make more friends, not just from the university and also other towns, cities and countries. With the power of Internet, I am pretty sure it is possible to make that happen. But just don't make friends with the wrong people. The "wrong" means it is harmful to me, I myself will be extra cautious with that. At some point, making friends is really fun.

OK, here seems like the good place to wrap up our topic right here. If you still haven't done something you want for so long ago, as an advice, DO IT when you still have the time, because life is really short and weak. Regretting is not a good way to end something up. Well, I do regret sometimes but I do keep it least as I can. Grazie! and Adios~

Image sources:
1. http://tokyotraders.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/happy-new-year-fireworks-celebrations.jpg
2. http://now.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/new-year-3.jpg
3. http://img.ngfiles.com/store/MysteryBox-4.jpg
4. http://communityaccess.net.au/edit/images_hr/PLAN%205.JPG
6. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/non-aliencreatures/images/8/8e/Nian.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101127072717
7. https://choconoinoi.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/deepavali3.jpg
8. http://www.idlehearts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/regret.jpg