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Tuesday 27 January 2015

Well..Guess What?

ELLOOO!!!! YoYoYo What's up Guys It's TRIDENT Here!

Today we are having another sharing session right here. Take a nice drink and sit down to read this awesome post.

Few days ago, I introduced a comic book to you guys that is Kuso High School. Now, today, this moment, we are going to talk about GAMES!

Yes, you didn't get it wrong. It is GAMES!!! I bet any of you reading right now has played games in your lifetime. I mean not only the video games that I will specify later on. What I meant are outdoor games, childhood games, extreme games and so on, as long as it is playable.

What is game(s)?
 I know there is a lot of definition out there, but for me, the most accurate definition for me is Zimmerman's version. He said," Game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, define by rules, that result in a quantifiable outcome." I know some of you may disagree with this, but what he is trying to do is to separate the virtual games(video games) and real life games(mostly sport games). That's why he mentioned the word "artificial".

Eric Zimmerman

Now back to our main topic for today, the video games.

I played many kinds of video games,  the awarded games like Uncharted, God of War and some other famous franchises like Call of Duty series, Need For Speed series, The Sim, Grand Theft Auto series and so on. What I want to clarify is I LOVE GAMES, not just playing and of course, in making them, that's the reason why I choose this course, Game Development.

Call of Duty: Ghost

Well, I have been experienced in Gaming for years, I can tell you, I have been playing video games for more than 10 years. For me, Game is love, Game is life. But there is one of my favorite game that I haven't share it out yet.

Which is the Final Fantasy series.

For the person who knew this, the first thing on their mind is "Oh, this game is just about strategies and tactics.", but for the outsiders, they would say "Oh this game is boring!".
For the latest newcomers, "This game has an incredible, fantastic graphic!"

Well, honestly, I wasn't impressed by its gameplay and graphics. Honestly, I found the gameplay itself is quite boring. Maybe I am not the turn-based type of game player. But the graphics are truly awesome after Final Fantasy VII.

 I was inspired by its idea! The world of Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy is not just a video game, there are also spirits, imagination, dream and hope that implanted into the game by the creators. It is actually a living universe created by the Game Creators' mind, their own perfect world.

I think it is very adventurous and exciting while exploring other people's mind. In the moment of exploration, you can get to known more about the person, then also yourself. Why I mention "yourself"? When a certain act takes place, you will start guessing what's going to happen next or end in some way you wanted., but in the end the result shocks you, sometimes somebody will say "awww....why you end it this way, if I were you, I will end it like this, blah blah blah..."
First, this is because you have your own thoughts. If you think deeper, you will discover what  kind of person you are, romantic? spiritual? faithful? and so on.

Some characters in Final Fantasy may represent me, but the closest one is Cloud from Final Fantasy VII. He is a "so lost" guy, why? He has lost most of his memories, what he doing is to discover back all the things about himself little by little. But for me, obviously, I didn't lose my memories, I just still discovering myself, who am I? What should I pursue in the future? What is called "living" and "surviving"?


Although, all the characters in the Final Fantasy Universe maybe frictional, but they are amazingly awesome and impressive that the creators spent their time on the characters build-up. That's the reason why the series still going on until today. 

 A little additional information here, Final Fantasy wasn't "Final" at first. When the first creator of this series, the company Square, he worked in, had financial issues, so in the end the original series named "Fantasy" had to change into "Final Fantasy" since he thought this could be his final production. But a company named Enix bought over Square and formed today's "Square Enix".

Final Fantasy has a wonderful settings and storyline, they expressed the characters' specialty very well. That's one thing I don't like about it, it's the story got way too long. I knew the creators did a great work on the story-telling but it is a bit long and it may ends up boring. I also hope that the developer, Square Enix should make the reboot of old Final Fantasy such Final Fantasy I, II and so on. Because at that time, Final Fantasy games are mostly "pixels", so I think Square Enix should use the advantages of Technology to remake them. Overall is good.

Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy is a fantastic, be sure you go through all of them and have your happy time. Grazie! and Adios~ 

Image sources:
1.  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/e/ee/X_Games_logo.svg/890px-X_Games_logo.svg.png
2. http://gamesforchange.org/festival2011/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/ERIC.jpg
3. http://schmoesknow.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/1530e91a14399430686d088077f6f7a0.jpg
4. http://www.superbwallpapers.com/games/call-of-duty-ghosts-28414/
5. http://cdn4.omnigamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/dissidia-final-fantasy-wallpaper.jpg
6. http://cdn1-www.playstationlifestyle.net/assets/uploads/2009/06/final-fantasy-vii-cast.jpg
7. http://www.technobuffalo.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/final-fantasy-vii-advent-children-20041209065803479.jpg
8. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130613032656/finalfantasy/images/5/55/Final_Fantasy_XV_-_Cast.PNG

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