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Monday 2 February 2015

When I walk into the club...

Well, well, well, Who is here? Eh, everybody, here is your boy, Trident here.

I am sorry to vanish for days due to some university's assignment stuff. Never mind for that, the most important thing for now is I AM BACK!

I am of course back to share something's worthy, but for now let's stop chit-chatting, straight jump into our today's topic.

Last few times, I shared a comic book, a cartoon and a game! Now, it is MOVIE TIME! Yes, you are right, I am going to talk about movie for today. First of all, what kind of movies do you like? Horror? Action? Sci-fi? Animation? and so on.

Then, I am going to focus on a movie called "Oliver Twist". I know some of you may argue with this. Since this is originated from the novel with the same title, and it even has its own TV series. Just because it has too many references, that's why I need to make a clarification.

I chose the movie version instead of the novel one is because of the movie can express the emotional parts which the book can't do. The movie is more summarized although many people prefer the detailed one which is the novel. But for me, I prefer the easier one that I can get used to with.

Well, if you think that convert and perform the meaning that the author want to express to the reader in a clip, is piece of cake. Then you are so wrong. Oliver Twist the movie is one of the masterpiece that mostly perform out that exactly what the author want. Other movies such as Happy Pother, The Lord of the Ring, 12 Years A Slave and so on. It is very difficult to do such kind of work, since everybody has their own thought. Different readers have different perspectives, don't you agree with that? So it is hard to predict one's thinking. But those guys did a great job there.

Ok, the movie is actually an orphan went through an adventurous journey created by his own hand. Oliver Twist which is the orphan's name as same as the movie title. He has a very bad family background, misfortune and a life of poverty. Why he is an orphan? Good question there. This is due to his mother unfortunately died when she gave birth to Oliver and his father's unexplained absence. That's what made his an orphan.

The story background is set at the time of Industrial Revolution(1820~1840), when the author wrote this novel. I liked the author describe how awful England is at that moment. This is the terrible time for British citizen, where the Capitalism rises up. The children were hired to work as the factory workers, work all day long almost without rest. It is a torture to the children. That's also been covered in the movie. The movie successfully performed out all the important contents in the novel, so that I am able to know how England looks like at that time.

Children Workers
 Other than that, this movie inspired me to do more stuff about this kind of thing like revolutions. What we see out there now is we have a lot of sci-fi movies, I am not saying they are not good but just way too many. Movies about war is also a hit among nowadays people. But for me, I think we should cover more things on some part that people may left off easily. For example, Victorious Revolution. Do you know what is this? This is the first non-bleeding revolution in human history. Although it happened extremely long ago, but why not give it a try? After that, like Cold War? Anyone else film this kind of movie before? I think it is very little, maybe it is because we have only little information about it, that's why less people are less interested in it. 

Fantasy Sci-Fi City
I think we should give many things a try, like I am giving myself a chance to give my opinions out. If you disagree then fine, you have your own thoughts, there is no way I can force you to obey me. If you agree, I am so happy with that because I found my homie~

Before I ended this topic, I would like to recommend two movies, first which is the title one I mentioned "Oliver Twist". Another is 'Captain Phillips" which a movie based on a true story, which a captain got captured by pirates and how he escaped from the pirates' cage. That's for today. Grazie! and Adios~

Image sources:
1. http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-its-movie-time.png
2. http://www.optionated.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/oliver-twist.jpg
3. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/olivertwist/assets/images/onesheet.jpg
4. http://www.drmarlenefwatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/12-Years-A-Slave-Photo.jpg
5. http://webs.bcp.org/sites/vcleary/ModernWorldHistoryTextbook/IndustrialRevolution/Images/sweeper-and-doffer.jpg
6. http://hebus.org/files/Fantasy/Sci%20Fi%20City%201920x1%2080%20%281%29.jpg
7. http://content9.flixster.com/movie/11/17/57/11175791_800.jpg

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