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Saturday 7 March 2015

More Than Meets The Eye

I am gonna pop some tags, YOYOYO, this is Trident!

Welcome to another sharing session right here right now. Today we are going to talk about perspective. First of all, this "perspective" is the perspective in drawing. The one we are going to discuss is "the point of view" or should we say "opinion instead.

Few weeks ago, there is a dress argued by people from around the world. This dress even got announced on BBC news channel. it seems like everybody took this "dress" case very seriously. Yeap, you are not wrong. I am talking the blue black or white gold dress case.

From what I know, the dress is originally blue black, it has proven and confirmed by the local dress designer. It is actually a traditional Scottish dress. Honestly, I did see the dress white gold in picture, but was shocked by the truth after knowing it. What I want to say this dress is damn retarded, just kidding. This dress causes people fight and got split into two groups. Maybe this case will be solve by making the picture in black and white only or with the aid of Auto White Balance (AWB)?

Well, this dress case actually teaches us a lesson. Don't judge by the cover of the book, don't see things by its surface. People are arguing about the dress' color before the truth is revealed, I absolutely agree with that, because it is reasonable that people are seeking for the answer. But why do people still arguing after the the truth has spoken, I think that is pointless. If you don't want to admit it. Fine, I have no rights to force you to accept something that you resist. The dress thing also teaches me not to judge things by their color. It is just like we can't judge a person's ability by his or her skin color. Doesn't mean that person has a black skin, he or she is a unfriendly person, Doesn't mean that person has a yellow skin, he or she is a genius. We can't judge people in a superficial way. The best is to know deeper rather than just give up by just looking the first appearance.

On the other hand, different person has different perspectives, that is why our world is full of variety. That's why we have a lots of marvelous things in this world. As an example, did you guys watch "Maleficient" the movie? It is actually the reboot of Sleeping Beauty. But this time, the movie has a totally different ending. The movie has changed their perspective to the Maleficient. In that movie, Maleficient is actually innocent because we are reading the story from her view. (Yes, Maleficient is a she.) This is absolutely different from the 50's Sleeping Beauty which the Maleficient is a very evil and jealous fairy.

Just a slightly change of view, a totally different idea pops out. I can't this is good or bad. Take the dress case as an example. If you still choose to believe the dress is white gold, you maybe happier, but it is not a truth. You maybe lying to yourself, not other people. If you choose to believe the truth, you maybe feel better, because you maybe laughing to those idiots who still choose to believe the lies. Well, it is very subjective. Just like the movie "Maleficient" and "Sleeping Beauty, if you believe Maleficient is innocent, you may like "Maleficient" rather than "Sleeping Beauty". But for me, I choose to believe both of them, you may found this sounds ridiculous. But it is what it is. I like to see things differently. Why? It helps me generate ideas, it helps me to calm my mind down.

It is same as this question: The world has gods or not? Well, I believe in both ways. With gods, people may have a better and safer life. People may feel themselves are protected. Without gods, people may think more scientifically, everything needs to prove before they choose to believe. But in the end, the opinion still depends on you. You are the one who made up the idea, or you want to be like me. Random believers.

Then, perspective maybe good or bad. We are able to look things differently or just remain your own idea from beginning till the end, and this is for today. Hope you have a nice day. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1. http://rack.2.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDE1LzAyLzI3LzYzL3doaXRlZ29sZGJsLmQyYjA0LmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTk1MHg1MzQjCmUJanBn/66ebfacb/ed9/white-gold-blue-black-dress.jpg
2. http://www.isl.co.jp/SILKYPIX/english/products/ds3/function/image/white_balance02.jpg
3. http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ1NDk3NTk0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTk3MDcxMzE@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_.jpg
4. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110729055616/disney/images/3/32/Sleeping_Beauty-_1280x800_copy.jpg

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