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Wednesday 15 April 2015

The end of something and the beginning of something

Hey what's up guys, this is your boy, Trident right here.

This week is my final week of my first year first semester of university's life. Today, I will just share about what I have experienced throughout these months.

First of all, I will start with the teachers, or we call them as lecturers and tutors at here. Honestly, they are a lot more different than the secondary school teachers. First difference is they don't do spoon-feeding stuff, they don't actually directly give the the answer instead of discovering it all by yourself. All they are doing is just guidance, suggestion, advice and so on. That's why self-learning and discipline become an important role in your personal inner-self development.

Second difference is the schedule of course. Unlike the days we had back there, the schedule for now is more flexible. We can go anywhere else while you don't have class. It is very different from secondary school which you leave the school when you don't have class is considered as
"skipping school". So I am more satisfied with the university type of attending class, because it is more flexible so I am able to do my stuff during the free time.

Third is the assignments. What I had done in secondary school is only homework and homework. My school seldom assign us things to do. Technically, it is only an assignment in a year. others are just homework, exercises and so on. The style of the assignments also different though. What I did in secondary school is just following the instruction given by the teachers unlike now we need to figure what the lecturer actually needs.I actually found this challenging and interesting because I am improving by self-learning rather than just follow other people's path.

Then, I want to talk about my ultimate assignment in this semester, which is making a board game. I and my friends as a group just presented it last few days. The comments are quite good but the only problem we are facing is the game balancing. But the lecturer said it is normal because you guys develop all these things in 2 months. A published board game takes months and years to balance the whole game. So I think we did a great job right there. I am satisfied of what we had create. I also want to say thank you to my friends who contribute a lot of efforts into this game, especially the design. It looks fantastic. I feel a little bad because I only set up the rule book because I am the guy who came up with the concepts and mechanism. Looking at them suffering while drawing the design and I can't do a thing just because my drawing skill sucks.

Anyway, I enjoyed all of them although some of them are not great. Yup, these are some of the memories I had in this semester. That's all for today. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01969/reading_1969992c.jpg
2. http://www.sa.sc.edu/ssc/files/2012/12/how-to-build-a-schedule.jpg
3. https://lagunita.stanford.edu/c4x/Education/EDUC115N/asset/images_course_image.jpg
4. http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/4c6e21fa-d7e5-4ae5-8813-435a5cc4ed94/3afbfc55-67d5-4908-a3d1-2b818e229062.jpg

Tuesday 7 April 2015

What now? What for? Whatever...

Hey yo, here comes Trident!

Today, we are going to talk about music.

I am sure that everybody loves music. If you don't love it, you should try it. Speaking of music, let's start off with the origin of music.

In the old ages, music is a way to communicate. It is very strange and mind-blown that our ancestors think of this way to communicate rather than just plain speaking. Like there are few songs that the indigenous people sang. Honestly, I don't know the exactly song name, because they didn't name it. It is very awesome that the listener still know what song the singer singing without knowing the actual name of the song. For me, the important part is not the content that the singer sing. It is the spiritual part that immersed in the song. That's why the listener know what they are singing. Because they FEEL the song instead of understanding the song. Honestly, it is very sad to see that, nowadays our song is becoming more meaningless day by day. What left is just about love, violent, sex, and so on.

 Like the songs from Mozart, Beethoven, and any other great musicians, their songs are also telling us something. From what I know, they are telling us their emotions, feelings and stories. Like Bumblebee, the song perfectly describes a scene of flying bees. The tensed situation of bees flying in the air. The messiness and the quickness of the bees.

John Lennon
Music can also affect someone's feelings and thoughts. such as John Lennon's Imagine. The song came out at the time of USA having war with Vietnam. The song actually tells people not to war but to have peace. This leads to a lot of people protest of what USA doing is wrong. If there is music, there is a singer. Singers do affect the fans. Fans may copy whatever they do. So can you see how huge is the power of music.

Other than that, music is way to relax or to get motivated. If you want to relax, you can try to listen to "Ambient Music", it is proven by the psychologists that this kind of musics do help to relax. Every person has their own motivated song, you can try to listen to those music which has a heavy beat or bass in it. The better way is listening to music with drums, as long as it works well for me.

That;s it for today. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1. http://www.real.com/resources/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/streaming-MP41.jpg
2. http://mrgmi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Communication_Image_Cloud-1024x666.jpg
3. http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2013/8/22/1377166166803/Give-teeth-a-chance-John--011.jpg
4. http://thebudgetnistablog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/282884.jpg

Thursday 2 April 2015

Survive or not?

Hey yo! This is your host toooooday! Mr.Trident in the house. (*pump the music)

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about a thing that recently happened in my country. Yes it just happened on April's Fool day and that thing ain't a fool at all.

Yes, my country has recently launched a new tax system that is known as GST( Goods and Services Tax) or other country may named it as well as VAT( Value-added Tax). Both of them are almost the same, the slightly difference between them is the place or genre of where they apply on. But genuinely they are similar.

So when there are taxes come in, the first to get struggled is the citizen, that means us. More taxes mean more money to be paid to the government. Well, I am not doubting that if the government did do something that is efficient to us. Speaking of struggling, most people around the world sure feel upset about the bills, mortgages, fees and so on that is related to MONEY. Although I am not very abundant, also comes from a comparatively well-off family. We do feel stressful right now, but all we can do is survive as long as we can. My family puts much hope on me and my brother and sister, so I must do well in my from now on, so that I won't waste their efforts. I am also appreciate what I have right now. But as an ambitious person, I demand better things in the future.

There are a lot of countries having GST/VAT, their citizen may have the same problem as us, living in a stressful life. But for some modern countries, the citizen living there may feel a lot more better than us. Because the facilities, technologies, services and son that provided by their government seem to be greater than ours. They got what they deserve, so they may feel ok about it.

France and Eiffel Tower
If you want to blame GST for causing you a lot of mess. Please blame the creator of GST system which is France in 1954. Well, this system maybe a good way to get money. I have to admit this is a very smart way to gain money. Well, from a business man's perspective, it is smart. But oppositely, from a citizen's point of view, this is just a crap. But honestly, there is still a lot of ways to gain money without damaging citizen much. Just saying.

In the end, whether if you are stressful or not, everyone be passionate to your living and live like a person, don't regret when you are dying. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1.  http://lawyergeneral.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Tax-on-lawsuit-damages.jpg
2. http://uk.urbanest.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/life-is-a-beautiful-struggle.jpg
3. http://www.totalmortgage.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/money.jpg
4. http://truenomads.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/City-Landscape-Eiffel-Tower-Paris-France-1024x640.jpg

Sunday 22 March 2015

Dont drop the thum thum

Hey yo, what's up guys. This is Trident.

Today, I am bringing you guys another sharing session.

I believe most of you guys have heard the word "meme". Nowadays, this word is popular used in many places especially internet.

There is a famous social media website, 9gag. 9gag is a funny website which contains lots of jokes, funny pics, and of course the topic of today's ---- meme. There a lots of famous meme that originally comes from 9gag. Such as the Rage Comic, the Doge,  the Nyan Cat, the Social Awkward Penguin and so on. Have you ever ask why people made this memes?

In my opinion, memes are very important nowadays. This is because our current society is under a very tensed situation. Everybody has their own stress, don't you agree? You can try to relax first and temporary forget everything that is stressful but in the end unfinished job still need to be done. In the meantime, memes are one of the entertainment we have there.

In the old age, people have their entertainment through comedians such as talk shows, clown shows and so on. But they maybe happy what they are look like outside. We eventually don't know how they feel inside. One of the famous comedian died last year, Mr.Robbie Williams. The reason he died is too stressful and lead he to get mental illness. In the end, he choose to commit suicide. This is very sad that we lost a great person.

Memes won't hurt people feelings so much. Because the message that spread to the audience is the word that wrote on the pictures. Pictures are just the enhancement for the meaning they want to let their audience understand. Most of them are funny and some of them are very fair at some point. Most of them are created by some random people. Some people even become famous through the memes and got a chance to get a better life. Won't this be nice?

In some ways, people can have a platform to use their creativity and also can bring happiness to others. Won't this be double win situation? And it won't hurt others' people feelings. So is it counted as triple win situation? I personally think memes are highly demanded for now due to the amount of people using internet right now. Of course, there some bad memes out there, that's our job to make clear between good and bad. Be clear and be mature.

Parents are also needed to be careful of what their kids surf on the internet. Internet is a dangerous place to let kids hang out. Kids nowadays are very smart, they may outsmart you and you still didn't even know you got scammed by them. So always keep on eye of what they are doing. If they say they need freedom, the better answer is "If you don't know how to take care of yourself, you still need to be free? That's called suicide."

Thanks, everyone for today. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEieqZq2X0lmOBeInv9uvpaLamQwKidzCfTD_qSwWatvYj8OFog13GdXJfibX0sfM9lDmZFJnB_GC-W7yazzD_y33jGe3GyLT3KdH1oOlkAzVpal-ffPuyHC1t0W-0FHDNdnjkVpy1MHYXyR/s1600/1.png
2. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/boromir-meme.jpg
3. http://www.memecreator.org/static/images/memes/3332.jpg
4. http://www.50-best.com/images/popular_memes/thumbs/1-3.jpg

Monday 16 March 2015

Here it goes again...

Hello, everyone, this is your host with the most, Trident bringing you another sharing session right here.

First things first, you guys watch Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner or any other adventurous movies. But do you realize these kinds of movies has the common part, which is it is all about survive. Yes, this is straight to our theme today: SURVIVE!

In this dangerous world, we humans and animals struggle to survive from obstacles that scattered around us numerously. Well, in other words, we just want to avoid death or being killed by our preys, it can be disasters or rivals. If we look deeper, do you ever ask yourself why do you need survive? Isn't death greater than living? You are no longer worried about the world and you finally can take a rest, but maybe there's more coming in the over-world.

By the way, who causes the surviving becomes so important? Who makes the world become that hazardous? I would say it is nature itself. This world itself actually has its own balance system, that's what the nature maintaining the world in a balanced form. Here comes the disasters. Actually it is not the nature's fault, it is all human's fault, it is all our fault. We are the one who causes all these disasters happened, the nature is just balancing itself to make Earth lives longer. For you guys who don't know, Earth is actually a living thing, it knows how to make it feel better. For example, well who causes Tsunami happened? If I said it is actually human-made, I would say it is just some countries trying their nuclear bombs in some places on Earth. 

Speaking of balance, like in Hunger Games and Divergent, people are divided into fractions to make a system functions. Different people have different abilities, these abilities are the ways to judge your role, at least this is how the society works right now. The great abilities come the great responsibilities, that's why a leader is so important in a system. Every person that involves in a system is every important, because each of them has the responsible of balancing a system. Like a chair can't stand by losing one of its four legs. So don't think yourself as a useless one. This is the way we balance our system.

I would say this world has no such fair things, everything has its own value, but there is no fair value, then there is actually a value that seems to be "balance" to everyone. This is for today. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1.  http://adventure.nationalgeographic.com/2008/08/survival/survival-425.jpg
2. http://solarviews.com/raw/earth/bluemarblewest.jpg
3. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150214113356/divergent/images/a/aa/Divergent_poster_and_factions.png
4. http://mattremorino.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/balance.jpg

Saturday 7 March 2015

More Than Meets The Eye

I am gonna pop some tags, YOYOYO, this is Trident!

Welcome to another sharing session right here right now. Today we are going to talk about perspective. First of all, this "perspective" is the perspective in drawing. The one we are going to discuss is "the point of view" or should we say "opinion instead.

Few weeks ago, there is a dress argued by people from around the world. This dress even got announced on BBC news channel. it seems like everybody took this "dress" case very seriously. Yeap, you are not wrong. I am talking the blue black or white gold dress case.

From what I know, the dress is originally blue black, it has proven and confirmed by the local dress designer. It is actually a traditional Scottish dress. Honestly, I did see the dress white gold in picture, but was shocked by the truth after knowing it. What I want to say this dress is damn retarded, just kidding. This dress causes people fight and got split into two groups. Maybe this case will be solve by making the picture in black and white only or with the aid of Auto White Balance (AWB)?

Well, this dress case actually teaches us a lesson. Don't judge by the cover of the book, don't see things by its surface. People are arguing about the dress' color before the truth is revealed, I absolutely agree with that, because it is reasonable that people are seeking for the answer. But why do people still arguing after the the truth has spoken, I think that is pointless. If you don't want to admit it. Fine, I have no rights to force you to accept something that you resist. The dress thing also teaches me not to judge things by their color. It is just like we can't judge a person's ability by his or her skin color. Doesn't mean that person has a black skin, he or she is a unfriendly person, Doesn't mean that person has a yellow skin, he or she is a genius. We can't judge people in a superficial way. The best is to know deeper rather than just give up by just looking the first appearance.

On the other hand, different person has different perspectives, that is why our world is full of variety. That's why we have a lots of marvelous things in this world. As an example, did you guys watch "Maleficient" the movie? It is actually the reboot of Sleeping Beauty. But this time, the movie has a totally different ending. The movie has changed their perspective to the Maleficient. In that movie, Maleficient is actually innocent because we are reading the story from her view. (Yes, Maleficient is a she.) This is absolutely different from the 50's Sleeping Beauty which the Maleficient is a very evil and jealous fairy.

Just a slightly change of view, a totally different idea pops out. I can't this is good or bad. Take the dress case as an example. If you still choose to believe the dress is white gold, you maybe happier, but it is not a truth. You maybe lying to yourself, not other people. If you choose to believe the truth, you maybe feel better, because you maybe laughing to those idiots who still choose to believe the lies. Well, it is very subjective. Just like the movie "Maleficient" and "Sleeping Beauty, if you believe Maleficient is innocent, you may like "Maleficient" rather than "Sleeping Beauty". But for me, I choose to believe both of them, you may found this sounds ridiculous. But it is what it is. I like to see things differently. Why? It helps me generate ideas, it helps me to calm my mind down.

It is same as this question: The world has gods or not? Well, I believe in both ways. With gods, people may have a better and safer life. People may feel themselves are protected. Without gods, people may think more scientifically, everything needs to prove before they choose to believe. But in the end, the opinion still depends on you. You are the one who made up the idea, or you want to be like me. Random believers.

Then, perspective maybe good or bad. We are able to look things differently or just remain your own idea from beginning till the end, and this is for today. Hope you have a nice day. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1. http://rack.2.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDE1LzAyLzI3LzYzL3doaXRlZ29sZGJsLmQyYjA0LmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTk1MHg1MzQjCmUJanBn/66ebfacb/ed9/white-gold-blue-black-dress.jpg
2. http://www.isl.co.jp/SILKYPIX/english/products/ds3/function/image/white_balance02.jpg
3. http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ1NDk3NTk0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTk3MDcxMzE@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_.jpg
4. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110729055616/disney/images/3/32/Sleeping_Beauty-_1280x800_copy.jpg

Tuesday 3 March 2015

People Are Awesome

Hey yo! Trident is back in da house!

Today, we are going to talk about more on games. But we are not going to discuss about the video games we play. We are going to talk about game companies.

There are lots of well-known game companies such as Electronic Arts(E.A.), Ubisoft, Square Enix and so on. Have you ever think of why they are so well-known. Why they are so successful? From what I think, those companies survived from many other companies is because they gain a lot of money. How they gain money? Obviously by selling the games they created. Of course their games must be very attractive and awesome, so there will be people buying the games. More people buy the game, the more they will gain. For example, Mojang created Minecraft which made 213 million USD, Rockstar Studio created GTA V which made 2 billion USD and Blizzard created World of Warcraft which made over 10 billion USD.

In this case, how to create a good game? Well, for me I am just an apprentice in this genre. I am still learning the gaming stuff and knowledge about it. From what I know, a good game is enjoyable, people will have a good experience when he or she try out the game. They feel a lot more satisfied after trying out the game. This is how i define a good game.

It is because of those companies create good games, so they gained a lot of money from it. Once they got more money, they are able to pursue further development. A more advanced and detailed development. People wanted to buy their games and excited to wait for their next releases. Slowly they gain an amount of fans and loyal buyers, which this benefits the companies.

I am currently studying the course named Game Development. I wish I have a chance to be in those companies. I want to know how they actually works well in this competitive game industry. I want to know how to make a good game. I wish I can join those companies in the near future, be a part of them and learn stuff. Then, my ability will be improved and my knowledge will be enhanced. This is what I have for today. Grazie! and Adios~

Image Resources:
1. http://cdni.wired.co.uk/620x413/d_f/electronic-arts.jpg
2. http://cdn.idigitaltimes.com/sites/idigitaltimes.com/files/2015/02/12/ubisoftlogo610.jpg
3. http://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Featured34.jpg
4. http://thefusejoplin.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/gta5_ymCHxtv5.jpg
5. http://wallmeta.com/world-of-warcraft-high-quality-image/

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Play, Pause, Level

Yoyoyo, what's up, it is your boy, Trident here!

Last week I had a fantastic holiday week. Well, it is actually Chinese New Year holiday, so in Chinese tradition, our elders will give us "angpau" which is the Red Envelope that contains money. Well, I would say that I have a good loot. Better save it for now, spend when something's needed.

OK, now let's get into our today's topic, which is Minecraft. Yup, today we are going to talk about a famous videogame. By judging the name, you will probably know that this is a building game because of the "Craft" word. Well, you are half way right. I can tell you that this game is not just about building and also adventure. Why would I say that? After the game becomes popular among the world, many people create their own stories, so that's why it is adventurous. You can download the story files from the internet and just have fun with it, explore the effort of other people have put into.

Other than that, the world in this game is actually an infinite space, just like ours. Well, someone later did found out that this game actually has an end, but the surface area for the world is hundreds billion times hundreds billion meter square, and you can expand it though, so it is still considered as "infinite". With this advantage, I can do whatever I want in that game. I am able to fly, able to build an Eiffel Tower, able to do magic stuff and other amazing things. It is actually NO LIMITS.

The game itself is actually like our brain where store our memories. Something that we normally think of, we may unable to remind once the feel is gone. With Minecraft you won't be having the problem anymore, directly illustrate your thinking in the game and it is eternally stored in the game unless you lost your game save files or maybe corrupted. You also have an infinite space to store your ideas unlike the reality that has limited us. Well, the save file is quite small in size so don't worry about that, it won't bother you anyway. It is good for people like me, living in a creative surroundings, to have a platform that is easy and friendly to use.

One of the amazing creations in Minecraft
If you are a patient player, you can construct your own realm in the game and rule all you citizen inside. Although it is virtual, it is worth a try. If not mistaken, Sweden has categorized Minecraft as an educational software, for kids to explore their mind. I think that's enough for today, thank you for reading. Grazie! and Adios~

Image resources:
1. http://image1.malesbanget.com/mbdcposts/2013/02/angpao-copy.jpg
2. http://www.freelargeimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Minecraft_Wallpaper_07.jpg
3. http://www.math.yorku.ca/infinity/infinity_logo.jpg
4. http://rack.3.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzAyLzA4LzE3L3dpbnRlcnBhbGFjLmVkNjRjLmpwZwpwCXRodW1iCTg1MHg4NTA-CmUJanBn/7ad8d7dd/f01/winter-palace.jpg

Saturday 14 February 2015

Apple or Orange?

Yohoho, everybody your homie is back, Trident!

I am glad on of my assignments has finally progressed to next stage, which this stage is one of hardest part. I wish i could did well in it.

Anyway, today we going to talk about something that exist around us for a long time and it is absolutely important. Take a guess? Well, it is simple ---- Money.

Money, is a sensitive thing that you still can live without it. Well, of course we need food resources to keep us alive instead of money but without money it maybe hard for you to survive now.

I split this into few conditions, I will explain it one by one. First, without money and you have a farm or unlimited food resources, you maybe happy and living in a comfortable stress-less life. But before that, where all the resources come from? Buy it right, it involves money. Well, you can say pick up or find seeds from somewhere else and wait them to grow. You maybe dead during the waiting process. If you said why not fishing and cook it like the cavemen do. Well, you can't be that lucky everytime.

Second, you have a lot of money, then you have nothing left but money. Some people do enjoy living lonely but be honest, according to scientist, most humans are afraid of loneliness. You can't doubt that this is a truth proved by many known scientists. Even Stephen Hawking also agrees with it. Maybe you can hire someone to make you happy. Well, that persons maybe just interested in your money instead of caring you. Could this kind of unreal emotions be extremely awful? For me, absolutely yes. I hate people lie or be pretentious to me.

Last but least, which is the balanced side, this one is extremely difficult to achieve. I would say it is almost perfect, only few of the succeed persons did this. It maybe fantasy to some of you guys but if you don't try it out, how will you know the result?

For now, money is really important, because everything right now is always linked with money including our life, our future, our health and so on. Money is really bothering any of us nowadays. That's why some of them choose to abandon it an live in a merrier life. I, myself also learning how to manage my money happily in a not wasting way. Money could really be helpful if use it wisely. I am really interested how money will affect our life in the near future. Maybe paper money will no longer exist? Maybe "card" era will begin? We shall know it when it comes.

In the end,

Money can be angel,
Money can be devil;
Choose to be wealthy,
Choose to be happy;
When it comes across,
People might get crazy.

So once thanks again, Grazie~ and Adios!

Image Sources:
1.  http://1plify.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Money-Bag.jpg
2. https://visualsonline.cancer.gov/retrieve.cfm?imageid=2397&dpi=300&fileformat=jpg
3. http://www.theiflife.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/happy.jpg
4. http://coolconversationslive.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/4-ways-balance-job-search.jpg

Sunday 8 February 2015

#Get Rekt

Rrrr, Herro Every Bootie. This your captain, Trident here.

What's up PitchForkers? Today, now, we are going to have another sharing session right here. We are about to discuss some thing's really special and meaningful to all of us. Have a guess first? Love? Family? Life? No, it is NEW YEAR!!

Yes, New Year, I am pretty sure everyone have been through this unique and fantastic festival, unless you are a new born baby. Well, baby shouldn't know how to use a PC, PLOT TWIST! OK, New Year symbolises a new start of life, a chance to change, a promise to be made and so other things. Eventually, it is a day to make something new and awesome throughout the year.

I mentioned about making things new just now. Do you guys have plans? I actually have my own plan that set to make my year 2015 becomes more meaningful. My plan is very simple: Make as much as friends as possible. This maybe seems like a difficult task to achieve but I will try best. Why I am making this kind of task? I, as an first year university student, am trying to learn how to adapt in this society. My seniors said university life will be a totally different experience compare to secondary school life. I do agree with this because I had my own crazy and energetic orientation week in my whole life, unlike the secondary school one which only held in one day.

I was also impressed by the PMP(Peer Mentoring Program). I admired that they put much effort to plan all these programmes, such as the games which is the hyped part, the drama which is the main core of this orientation, and the talks which give us tips in helping to start our university life. My mentors are very friendly and caring, they helped me a lot especially when I have a lot of problems on my first week like submitting the form, registering the club, finding the right timetable and notes for the class, and so on. I love how they lead us to make my life easier. Thanks, all my lovely mentors!

This orientation is very important to me, because this is a big chance to start my 2015 plan. Well, I had to say I made a real good start there. I met a lot of people and made a lot of friends. I am glad few of them are becoming really close to me right now. I am happy that I am not alone because some of my seniors said you maybe alone sometimes in university, which this is very normal, but I ain't having that problem until now. I wish I could remain this situation as long as possible, maybe through the end of my life would be my choice.

Back to our topic, New Year. There are actually a lot of different kinds of New Year out there. Well, I am not just talking about the way to celebrate. I am also talking about the date, the religion, the location and so on. By judging the name and the way I elaborated my opinions, obviously I am an Asian. I am actually a Chinese and I do celebrate Christmas and New Year. As long as I have holidays to relax, why not? Then, I celebrate Chinese New Year. Before we get into deeper, I will give you a short brief about how Chinese New Year got its allusion. The word, "Year" is actually a monster, as in Chinese word, we called it "Nian". It appears to eat people to survive once at the beginning of a year. Then, that's how the firecrackers were invented, to kill the monster! At last, the monster was successfully scared away by the people. Since then the monster scared of red things because the firecrackers were made in red. That's why we put a lot of red decorations during Chinese New Year and another meaning of "Luck".

Nian the monster
Speaking of New Year, Indians have a similar New Year, which is Deepavali, they light up the oil lamp to scare off or kill the evil monsters that used to eat and kill people. For me, this monster actually represents the bad things we had in last year. We tried hard to clean it away from us and have a nice start. For Japanese and Korean did the similar things on their New Year too, to keep away all the bad things, give yourself a chance to improve yourself. As for Malays, they forgive those who did wrong things to them. This is to make your life merrier and not just give yourself a relief and also give other person a chance to prove themselves are still trustworthy. That's the way I found New Year is actually a meaningful and interesting festival.

Oil Lamps on Deepavali
Other than that, since New Year has different kinds of its version, which means I can learn how other people have their New Year. Further speaking of this, which means I can make more friends, not just from the university and also other towns, cities and countries. With the power of Internet, I am pretty sure it is possible to make that happen. But just don't make friends with the wrong people. The "wrong" means it is harmful to me, I myself will be extra cautious with that. At some point, making friends is really fun.

OK, here seems like the good place to wrap up our topic right here. If you still haven't done something you want for so long ago, as an advice, DO IT when you still have the time, because life is really short and weak. Regretting is not a good way to end something up. Well, I do regret sometimes but I do keep it least as I can. Grazie! and Adios~

Image sources:
1. http://tokyotraders.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/happy-new-year-fireworks-celebrations.jpg
2. http://now.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/new-year-3.jpg
3. http://img.ngfiles.com/store/MysteryBox-4.jpg
4. http://communityaccess.net.au/edit/images_hr/PLAN%205.JPG
6. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/non-aliencreatures/images/8/8e/Nian.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101127072717
7. https://choconoinoi.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/deepavali3.jpg
8. http://www.idlehearts.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/regret.jpg

Monday 2 February 2015

When I walk into the club...

Well, well, well, Who is here? Eh, everybody, here is your boy, Trident here.

I am sorry to vanish for days due to some university's assignment stuff. Never mind for that, the most important thing for now is I AM BACK!

I am of course back to share something's worthy, but for now let's stop chit-chatting, straight jump into our today's topic.

Last few times, I shared a comic book, a cartoon and a game! Now, it is MOVIE TIME! Yes, you are right, I am going to talk about movie for today. First of all, what kind of movies do you like? Horror? Action? Sci-fi? Animation? and so on.

Then, I am going to focus on a movie called "Oliver Twist". I know some of you may argue with this. Since this is originated from the novel with the same title, and it even has its own TV series. Just because it has too many references, that's why I need to make a clarification.

I chose the movie version instead of the novel one is because of the movie can express the emotional parts which the book can't do. The movie is more summarized although many people prefer the detailed one which is the novel. But for me, I prefer the easier one that I can get used to with.

Well, if you think that convert and perform the meaning that the author want to express to the reader in a clip, is piece of cake. Then you are so wrong. Oliver Twist the movie is one of the masterpiece that mostly perform out that exactly what the author want. Other movies such as Happy Pother, The Lord of the Ring, 12 Years A Slave and so on. It is very difficult to do such kind of work, since everybody has their own thought. Different readers have different perspectives, don't you agree with that? So it is hard to predict one's thinking. But those guys did a great job there.

Ok, the movie is actually an orphan went through an adventurous journey created by his own hand. Oliver Twist which is the orphan's name as same as the movie title. He has a very bad family background, misfortune and a life of poverty. Why he is an orphan? Good question there. This is due to his mother unfortunately died when she gave birth to Oliver and his father's unexplained absence. That's what made his an orphan.

The story background is set at the time of Industrial Revolution(1820~1840), when the author wrote this novel. I liked the author describe how awful England is at that moment. This is the terrible time for British citizen, where the Capitalism rises up. The children were hired to work as the factory workers, work all day long almost without rest. It is a torture to the children. That's also been covered in the movie. The movie successfully performed out all the important contents in the novel, so that I am able to know how England looks like at that time.

Children Workers
 Other than that, this movie inspired me to do more stuff about this kind of thing like revolutions. What we see out there now is we have a lot of sci-fi movies, I am not saying they are not good but just way too many. Movies about war is also a hit among nowadays people. But for me, I think we should cover more things on some part that people may left off easily. For example, Victorious Revolution. Do you know what is this? This is the first non-bleeding revolution in human history. Although it happened extremely long ago, but why not give it a try? After that, like Cold War? Anyone else film this kind of movie before? I think it is very little, maybe it is because we have only little information about it, that's why less people are less interested in it. 

Fantasy Sci-Fi City
I think we should give many things a try, like I am giving myself a chance to give my opinions out. If you disagree then fine, you have your own thoughts, there is no way I can force you to obey me. If you agree, I am so happy with that because I found my homie~

Before I ended this topic, I would like to recommend two movies, first which is the title one I mentioned "Oliver Twist". Another is 'Captain Phillips" which a movie based on a true story, which a captain got captured by pirates and how he escaped from the pirates' cage. That's for today. Grazie! and Adios~

Image sources:
1. http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-its-movie-time.png
2. http://www.optionated.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/oliver-twist.jpg
3. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/olivertwist/assets/images/onesheet.jpg
4. http://www.drmarlenefwatson.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/12-Years-A-Slave-Photo.jpg
5. http://webs.bcp.org/sites/vcleary/ModernWorldHistoryTextbook/IndustrialRevolution/Images/sweeper-and-doffer.jpg
6. http://hebus.org/files/Fantasy/Sci%20Fi%20City%201920x1%2080%20%281%29.jpg
7. http://content9.flixster.com/movie/11/17/57/11175791_800.jpg