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Thursday 8 September 2016

Tilting Freedom

Hi guys, it is Trident here.

Well, now, I would like to talk about Pokemon Go.

It has been out for months. People are still crazy about it. It obviously affected the lifestyle of people.

For people that used to stay at home, who have their Netflix on and doesn't care about the "outside" world. For people that used to be playing games at home, sit at their chairs for several hours without stepping out of their room a single step. For people that don't play games ever before.

Pokemon Go changed it. Pokemon revokes this kind of phenomenon. Well, not all but at least it affected most of population of Earth and that's a fact. Furthermore, it brings people closer. Like 10 years ago, someone said games won't unite people. Because mostly gamers are retards. They are selfish because they only care about winning. Well, who like losing?

AND THAT IS AN ABSOLUTELY FREAKING WRONG STATEMENT YOU HAVE MADE THERE! I mean not you, is those people who made this kind of dumb statement.

There are two Pokestops at my university. Around 12pm of each day, the street will be as quite and as empty as what you may have seen in Silent Hill movies. Well, guess what, because of Pokemon Go, the community gained themselves free security guards. Even until 4pm, there are still people wandering around at the stops. How good is that? It might lower crime rate within my university area, as you know a place full of students are always targeted by thieves. Well, in my country, Yes.

Other than draining my phone battery and constantly crashed, I don't see Pokemon Go as a bad thing at all. It is a evolution and innovation of new era of gaming, which is Augmented Reality Gaming (ARG). It is a cool way to play games, because you can interact with the games closer. Who knows for the next 10 years, we can play games in our sleep or play games within a projection of hologram.

People who judges Pokemon Go or any AR games are bad, Please reconsider. It is people who make it bad while it is originally meant to be great. Why you even want to play phones while crossing roads? Didn't that is a common sense, not to play phones while walking. It is proven that we can't really concentrate walking and driving while playing phones. Well, thanks to the stereotypes who made this game looks as bad as it could. Anyway, I want to say, AR is good. It is time for us to move on to level of living style. At least this is a step to the future. No complain.

Below is my doodling of few Pokemons. So once again, Gracie and Adios~

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